Episode # 43 – More Than Expected – 2 Kings 5:1-19.

In today’s podcast we will be looking at the story of Naaman from 2 Kings 5. Naaman was a man in search of an answer to a dilemma he faced. A message of hope inspired him on a journey that eventually led him to the God of Israel. In our search to answers we will often find ourselves standing before God. That is the big idea in today’s message.

Episode # 42 – Costly Mistake - 2 Sam. 6:1-15.

In today’s podcast we will be looking at motives, mistakes and recovery from failure. We will be examining an episode in the life of King David who attempted to bring the Ark of God to Jerusalem ending in tragic consequences. We will look at why David failed, how he dealt with his failure and how he recovered from his failure.

Episode # 41 - Three Things Paul Prayed – Eph. 1:15-23.

In today’s podcast we will be looking at Ephesians chapter 1 examining the prayer that Paul prayed for the church at Ephesus. Looking at Paul’s prayer we notice three specific things that Paul wanted them to know or understand. What Paul earnestly desired for the Ephesians was that they would know God in their experience and grow in their relationship with Him.

Episode # 39 - Is Healing God's Will - Isaiah 53:4-5.

Healing the sick was a large part of the ministry of Jesus. In today's podcast we want to examine the question Is Healing God's Will? A more specific question would be Is it God's will to heal the person I am praying for? It is imperative that the Christian come to some kind of conclusion about this faith issue.


Episode # 37 - Two Ways of Living - Psalm 1:1-6.

In Psalm 1 we are presented with a sharp contrast between two ways of living. The way of righteousness and the way of the wicked or we say the way that leads to blessing and the way that leads to perishing. In today's podcast let's look a little closer at these two ways of living described in psalm 1.

Episode # 35 - God's Promise of Protection - Psalm 91.

In today's podcast we will be examining God's Protection elaborated for us in Psalm 91. "Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty."  This psalm speaks of both physical and spiritual dangers that the Lord will protect us from as we trust in God as our refuge and fortress.

Episode # 34 - The Way to Heaven - John 14:1-6.

In today's podcast we will be looking at the words of Jesus spoken to his distressed disciples. The disciples were bewildered, confused and discouraged and Jesus asks them to trust in Him. It is during times when we experience trouble in our life that we need to choose to trust in Jesus. This is what Jesus asked his disciples to do in John 14.


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Episode # 32 - Servant Leadership - Matthew 20:20-28.

In today's podcast we want to examine the story of a mother and two sons who approach Jesus with a request recorded in Matthew 20. Incidental to the story we learn a valuable lesson about the nature of leadership in God's Kingdom. Servant leadership is the big idea we want to examine in today's podcast.

Episode # 28 - False Assumptions about God’s Will - 1 Samuel 23:1-13.

In today's podcast we want to look at a story from the life of David from 1 Samuel 23. Saul saw David as a rival and sought to kill him. David was running for his life as a fugitive. David sought direction from the Lord, Saul assumed he had a direction given to him by God.  Today we want to examine four false assumptions concerning the will of God.

Episode # 27 - Broken but Blessed - Genesis 32:22-31.

In today's podcast we will be looking at an episode in the life of Jacob from Genesis 32. Before Jacob faces his offended brother Esau he had to face God. He spent the night alone at Peniel and he literally limped away from that experience a changed man. Jacob wrestled with God at Peniel and he emerged both broken and blessed. Broken but blessed that is the big idea in today's podcast.

Episode # 25 - Promise Lost - I Kings 11-13.

In today's podcast we want to look at a King named Jeroboam the first king of the divided Kingdom of Israel. Jeroboam was given a promise by God but the complete fulfillment of that promise never came to pass because of Jeroboam's sin and disobedience. Promise lost that is the big idea in today's podcast.

Episode # 24 - Don't Neglect Your Gifts - I Tim. 4:14; 2Tim. 1:6.

Paul encourages his colleague Timothy to be a faithful minister of the Gospel. Paul told Timothy not to neglect the gift that is in you but instead he was to stir up the gift of God. All of us have spiritual gifts God has given us but for some reason we have failed to use these spiritual gifts. Today's podcast is entitled "Don't Neglect Your Gifts."